United Way of Central Indiana’s (UWCI) Impact Division is pleased to announce Empower to Educate: a workforce stabilization and renewal grant. The Providers Council, UWCI’s pilot initiative within the Early Care and Learning team, comprised of 16 representatives in the early care and learning community of Central Indiana, came together to create an intentional grant opportunity.
The purpose of these grants is to continue to engage the provider community to feel empowered and equipped with the knowledge educators need to feel motivated in an early childhood education classroom. There is no doubt the adversity with which the early childhood education sector continues to be faced. Multiple factors play in this issue: staffing shortages, lack of mental health support, high classroom ratios, lack of quality classroom materials, and many more.
There is an immense amount of research that proves the benefits to a child’s life and well-being socially and academically when they participate in early childhood education. For our children to receive quality care, we need to ensure our early childhood educators are receiving quality opportunities for growth, development, and appreciation. The ECE Renewal and Workforce Stabilization Grant allows childcare facilities to give to their staff members to proclaim themselves as impactful educators.
Applications are open in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, Morgan, and Putnam counties for:
- Licensed 501c3 traditional facilities with Paths to Quality Level 1-4 credentials
- Licensed or unlicensed registered ministries with Paths to Quality Level 1-4 credentials
- 501c3 coalition organizations focused on early childhood education
Financial Awards
Applicants may request up to $10,000, with the following parameters:
- 75% of funds are allocated to professional development or workforce enhancement
- 25% or less of funds are allocated to renewal service
Objectives of grant investment can include any of the following or a combination of the following (but not limited to):
- Professional development workshops, coaching sessions, conference
- CDA attainment
- Classroom buildup- materials for classroom or student development (curriculum development training tied to classroom materials required)
- Mental health resources
- Staff outing or team self-care opportunities (professional development opportunities required in addition to self-care opportunities)
Applicants are not required to apply for a renewal service and may use 100% of the funds towards professional development.
Applicants will be required to share a budget breakdown during reporting time at the end of the contracted term April 30, 2026.
Focus Areas
Applicants are required to align their proposal to a focus area. Applicants may choose up to three focus areas to apply for workforce enhancement programming in addition to a renewal opportunity. Please limit selection to no more than 3.
- Social and emotional development
- Mental health
- Emerging Leaders- career advancement education opportunities
- Physical health and wellbeing
- Special needs support for students
- Family engagement- professional development or program implementation involving families or guardians
- Coaching/mentoring
- Curriculum development
Grant Timeline
- March 21, 2025: Grant application opens
- April 18, 2025: Grant application closes
- Mid-May 2025: Award notifications
- Mid- May 2025: Contracts executed to grantees- payments dispersed pending contract signature
- June 1, 2025: Contract term begins
- March 31, 2026: Contract term ends
- April 30, 2026: Grant reporting form due
Selection of Grant Recipients
Applications will be evaluated by the Providers Council and an internal team from UWCI on the clarity of the proposed program or initiative and its outcomes, how well the proposed program or initiative engages with staff members, the emphasis on the importance of uplifting staff members, and the clarity of the anticipated budget.
Upon completion of grant activities, all grantees must submit a final report due April 30, 2026. Report templates will be provided by UWCI. Final reports will include the following:
- Project narrative and success story
- The number of ECE professionals who were served through the ETE grant.
- The number of professional development events supported through the ETE grant (workshops, service days, conferences, trainings, etc.).
- The number of certifications and/or credentials obtained because of the ETE grant. (Provide the title/ name of credentials.)
- The number of children indirectly impacted because of ETE grant.
- The number of professionals who indicated as ignited passion or renewal for early childhood education.
- Testimonials, pictures of programs implemented
It is strongly encouraged to save questions and answers on a word document if you are not able to complete the application in one sitting.
Submission of an application does not guarantee an award of funding. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
The SUBMIT button is on the very last page of this application. You will have one last screen to review and at the bottom of that screen is the final opportunity to PRINT your application or to EDIT your application. Once you are confident that your application is complete and ready to be submitted, click CONFIRM. After clicking confirm, the application is no longer available to edit.